In the whirlwind of new-mom life, where diaper changes, feedings, and countless drooling are the norm, taking care of yourself might seem like a distant dream. But here's the secret: self-care doesn't have to involve grand gestures or extravagant spa days, and just because you had a baby doesn’t mean you have to give up all that you loved before! PSA: You can do both! In fact, it's often the little things that can make a world of difference in rejuvenating your spirit and maintaining your sanity. Here’s how:
Some of my mom friends say waking up just a little bit before their babes to get a quick workout in, or some coffee and reading works for them, and that’s fine. Not me. While I occasionally enjoy morning activities, I’m often not a morning person. Lucky for me, I gave birth to a child that is pretty well adaptable to waking up or sleeping in! For the most part, all I need in my morning routine are some cuddles from my son, or a good chat with my husband, a yummy breakfast (my favorite meal of the day) and the bed made! There’s something about having your bed made in the morning that really starts my day in the right direction. Can’t tell you what it is, it's just a feeling.

I used to journal hard core when I was in my junior high years. Back then it was who sat next to me on the bus and whether I met up with my crush during lunch. Now its been a hot minute since writing anything down, but if you do journal this could be a good source of letting go of the day, keeping track of your daily wins, or manifesting your goals and desires in life!
While I don't always enjoy waking up early to exercise, I sometimes do it and don't mind it. However, you don’t have to workout in the morning, and your workout doesn’t have to be at the gym. Most days I like to plan for a walk outside to get my body moving. My son loves the stroller and is a people watcher, so he is perfectly content the whole time we’re out there. If you need to bring some snacks, toys or a bottle along with you for some distractions - go for it! The endorphins are great, and getting outside is an extra bonus.

Every time you manage to fold laundry without a toddler unfolding it behind you, or your picky eater finishes a plate of veggies, celebrate! These small wins remind you that you're rocking this mom thing, one tiny victory at a time.
You may not always have the luxury of a week or weekend vacation, but you can create a mini escape within your day! I have always been one fine with screen time - sure not too much, but a little show here and there for the kids so the parents can take a break is needed! Use that time to read a chapter of a book you’ve been eyeing, my current read is Verity by Colleen Hoover, or lay back and relax for a minute and do nothing. Nap time can also be a small getaway where you can take a bath or work on a craft if you're feelin’ artsy!

Connecting with friends and family has become so easy! Making a quick phone call or a Facetime to have a chat is perfect for getting that needed adult conversation throughout the day. Plus this can be done while kiddos are awake and playing, I’m sure the receiving end would love to see them too!
Let's talk EOD. I have never been a skincare girl, my basics are makeup wipes and face lotion (I’m sure I just made some of you squirm). If your ritual of winding down includes 5-10 skincare products then GO YOU! This is YOUR time. When my son is in bed, some of my favorite things to do is either pamper myself or watch a movie or TV show. Pampering myself is clearly not extensive, I dye my eyebrows at home because it saves money and is so fast! I use the Just For Men Mustache & Beard Dye (I know, weird!) but it’s easy to apply and lasts about 2-3 weeks! Another option is doing my nails. I have one of those UV lights at home to do gel nails which is nice because I like to switch up my colors A LOT. When I’m in the mood for a movie or show I’ll either watch with my husband - we like a lot of the same genres and are currently in the middle of a couple TV shows as we speak, or I’ll watch something on my own like Real Housewives or Emily in Paris. The great thing about our relationship is we love doing things together, but we also know that sometimes it's nice to recharge on our own! And let's not forget, ending the night with some kind of tasty treat is the actual cherry on top.

As a mom, it's easy to put your own needs on the back burner. But remember, the little things matter, embrace these simple acts of “luxury”. By incorporating self-care practices into your routine, you're not only prioritizing your well-being but also setting a positive example for your children. You deserve the same care and attention that you give so freely to your family!